Photo by Ajeet Mestry on Unsplash I don’t watch a lot of TV. I never really did, but on top of that, these days I generally just don’t understand it. My German is still not yet up to scratch ! That said, I will sometimes put it on, hopeful that I’ll finally be able to follow a plot line. Although that hasn’t happened yet. Now that the weather has changed and the evenings are chilly , my thoughts turn to the evening movie and curling up on the couch, maybe even with a bowl of popcorn. Then I remember that my evening’s viewing will, at best, amount to admiring the pretty moving pictures since most of the German dialogue will be entirely lost on me . (Even so, this didn’t stop me 2 weeks ago from enjoying two bowls of popcorn and a movie I’d seen before!) Usually, I stare hard at the screen with the volume higher than is comfortable willing myself to understand what is being said. Most frustrating of all is seeing an advertisem
What the teacher notices when she becomes the student.